Dear readers! Be careful ! This tables shows only basic monster statistics !
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 500 |
Health | 6 |
Damage | 3-5 |
Attack Rating | 50 |
Defense | 20 |
Block Rating | 3 |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Tired of paying taxes to several rival suzerains at once and surviving on barren and meager land, many peasants leave their villages in search of a better life or become bandits even worse than the local rulers.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 700 |
Health | 8 |
Damage | 3-4 |
Attack Rating | 30 |
Defense | 60 |
Block Rating | 10 |
Stun Chance | 5% |
Critical Hit Chance | 3% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
A meager and infrequent salary often ceases to attract soldiers, and they try to earn a living independently. Exactly the way they were taught – with a knife, a rope and an axe.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 600 |
Health | 4 |
Damage | 4-7 |
Attack Rating | 145 |
Defense | 10 |
Block Rating | 1 |
Burn Chance | 10% |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Critical Hit Chance | 5% |
Resistances | Fire 25%, Poison 20% |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 600 |
Health | 6 |
Damage | 3-7 |
Attack Rating | 30 |
Defense | 10 |
Block Rating | 15 |
Confuse Chance | 10% |
Critical Hit Chance | 10% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Beast |
There are many creepy monsters living in the vicinity of Grimlarn, but do not underestimate the packs of wild wolves and feral dogs. They can cause a lot of problems for an inexperienced traveler.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 600 |
Health | 3 |
Damage | 5-9 |
Attack Rating | 20 |
Defense | 10 |
Block Rating | 1 |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Critical Hit Chance | 3% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 3 |
Experience Gained | 1,400 |
Health | 7 |
Damage | 5-9 |
Attack Rating | 140 |
Defense | 10 |
Block Rating | 20 |
Poison Chance | 20% |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Beast |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 1,100 |
Health | 12 |
Damage | 6-8 |
Attack Rating | 60 |
Defense | 5 |
Block Rating | 1 |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Stun Chance | 3% |
Critical Hit Chance | 3% |
Resistances | Poison 20% |
Race | Beast |
Local bears are large and aggressive, but prefer weaker prey. Humans, for example.
¶ Bandit Crowd 🏴
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 1,200 |
Health | 20 |
Damage | 2-4 |
Attack Rating | 80 |
Defense | 10 |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Robberies and murders are hard jobs that are easier to accomplish with a close-knit group of friends. Not very honest, but very effective.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 1,100 |
Health | 15 |
Damage | 2-3 |
Attack Rating | 30 |
Defense | 15 |
Block Rating | 1 |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Covered by the noble cause of protecting ordinary people from the power of immortals, these bastards and maniacs do whatever they want not only to immortals, but to ordinary people who could not reject their accusations.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 4 |
Experience Gained | 2,000 |
Health | 40 |
Damage | 7-15 |
Attack Rating | 266 |
Defense | 150 |
Block Rating | 15 |
Life Stolen Per Hit | 30% |
Confuse Chance | 50% |
Critical Hit Chance | 15% |
Resistances | Magic 50% |
Race | Demon |
¶ A mythical creature that scares children, but adults do not believe in it. Because no one will survive this meeting in reality and no one will live to tell the tale. Deadly and beautiful, she can only be found in the brief moment of midnight in a dark forest.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 4 |
Experience Gained | 1,300 |
Health | 12 |
Damage | 4-6 |
Attack Rating | 120 |
Defense | 10 |
Resistances | Cold 30% |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Race | Beast |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 5 |
Experience Gained | 4,000 |
Health | 50 |
Damage | 8-11 |
Attack Rating | 133 |
Defense | 65 |
Block Rating | 10 |
Curse Chance | 10% |
Stun Chance | 5% |
Critical Hit Chance | 5% |
Resistances | Fire 30%, Cold 30%, Poison 30% |
Race | Undead |
¶ The mighty guardian of the Ancient Forest, weakened by each felled tree. His body became home to the terrible ”necroverm” worm. Hatred of people destroying his Forest and love for their flesh are intertwined in this creature, which can no longer be considered either alive or dead. Now he is not a guardian, but a hunter and an avenger, from whom it will not be easy to escape.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 4 |
Experience Gained | 1,300 |
Health | 13 |
Damage | 2-3 |
Magic Attack | Cold 3-6 |
Attack Rating | 80 |
Defense | 50 |
Block Rating | None |
Curse Chance | 25% |
Resistances | Fire 50%, Cold 50%, Lightning 50%, Poison 50% |
Race | Undead |
¶ A faithful servant of a terrifying master, who was supposed to deliver an important message, but fell victim to the forests of Grimlarn. Fear and guilt before his master turned this unfortunate man into a restless ghost who will never be able to find a way out of the forest and complete his mission.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 200 |
Health | 3 |
Damage | 1-2 |
Attack Rating | 50 |
Defense | 5 |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 200 |
Health | 4 |
Damage | 1-3 |
Attack Rating | 30 |
Defense | 10 |
Confuse Chance | 10% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Beast |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 1,400 |
Health | 9 |
Damage | 7-13 |
Attack Rating | 35 |
Defense | 20 |
Block Rating | 3 |
Confuse Chance | 10% |
Critical Hit Chance | 9% |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 1,800 |
Health | 25 |
Damage | 3-5 |
Attack Rating | 40 |
Defense | 30 |
Block Rating | 3 |
Resistances | None |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 2,000 |
Health | 30 |
Damage | 8-12 |
Attack Rating | 80 |
Defense | 60 |
Block Rating | 5 |
Confuse Chance | 25% |
Stun Chance | 15% |
Critical Hit Chance | 7% |
Resistances | Poison 30% |
Race | Beast |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 4 |
Experience Gained | 500 |
Health | 12 |
Damage | 2-2 |
Attack Rating | 18 |
Defense | 21 |
Block Rating | 13 |
Curse Chance | 1% |
Stun Chance | 1% |
Critical Hit Chance | 1% |
Burn Chance | 1% |
Resistances | Cold 40%, Fire 20% |
Race | Beast |
¶ A bloodthirsty demonic monster from another world, created to torment and torture humans, dogs, and anyone else who dares to show in this creature's sight. He's already coming for you!
Attribute | Value |
Level | 3 |
Experience Gained | 250 |
Health | 9 |
Damage | 2-3 |
Attack Rating | 15 |
Defense | 30 |
Block Rating | 1% |
Stun Chance | 1% |
Resistances | Fire 20%, Cold 20%, Lightning 20%, Status 3% |
Race | Human |
¶ Just a local dude with a smell of fumes and an itch in his fists for a non-epic fight unworthy of the chosen one to save the world.
Attribute | Value |
Level | 2 |
Experience Gained | 250 |
Health | 3 |
Damage | 1-5 |
Attack Rating | 30 |
Defense | 5 |
Block Rating | 10% |
Confuse Chance | 5% |
Critical Hit Chance | 5% |
Resistances | Cold 40%, Lightning 40%, Status 10% |
Race | Beast |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 1 |
Experience Gained | 800 |
Health | 35 |
Damage | 0-0 |
Attack Rating | 1 |
Defense | 50 |
Block Rating | 30% |
Confuse Chance | 10% |
Reflect Melee Damage | 23% |
Reflect Magic Damage | 23% |
Resistances | Cold 60%, Lightning 60%, Status 90% |
Race | Human |
Attribute | Value |
Level | 3 |
Experience Gained | 500 |
Health | 20 |
Damage | 3-7 |
Attack Rating | 100 |
Defense | 10 |
Block Rating | 20% |
Stun Chance | 10% |
Critical Hit Chance | 10% |
Curse Chance | 10% |
Resistances | Fire 20%, Cold 20%, Lightning 20%, Status 20% |
Race | Beast |
¶ The wife of the man who snored all night and disturbed her sleep, she looks very dangerous!